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01: 名前:prothewor投稿日:2021/10/19(火) 11:08
The lingering voice is my own.Even if I put on my eye masks and earplugs and lie down in the dark, this inner monologue still hits my body like ten thousand spotlights. Every time I hear a sentence, my body gets hotter. I keep turning over and adjusting my sleeping posture to prevent it from being burned. , But it doesn't help.
I simply sat up, only to find that it was dawn.

02: 名前:prothewor投稿日:2021/10/19(火) 11:09
<a href="https://www.protheworldnews.com/businesssdirectory">popular business list</a>
[url=https://www.protheworldnews.com/businesssdirectory]top business directory[/url]

03: 名前:prothewor投稿日:2021/10/19(火) 11:09

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